Want to Breathe a Little Easier About Your Child’s Asthma?
Did you know that childhood asthma causes more school absences than any other single pediatric disorder?
This is where you’ll find quality information about how to get healthy and stay healthy. You’ll find stretching routines, healthy recipe ideas, lifestyle advice, corrective exercises, nutritional counselling advice, and of course plenty of articles and information on chiropractic care and wellness.
Did you know that childhood asthma causes more school absences than any other single pediatric disorder?
If your child is having a problem with bedwetting, he or she is not alone. Two to three million children in the U.S. suffer from the disorder, including 10% to 10% of 5 year olds and 5% of 10 year olds.
Follow these dietary lifestyle habits regularly to increase your energy this summer!
Did you know that the #1 reason why parents take their children to the pediatrician’s office is to investigate an earache?
Subluxations are interferences or disturbances in our nervous system that interrupt the normal communication pathways in our body.
In order for you to have true health, your nervous system must be able to control and coordinate the function of every call, tissue, and organ without interference.
Your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is responsible for sending messages to every cell, tissue, organ, and system in your body. This communication is made possible by your spinal neurological network
There is more to subluxation than back pain, neck pain, and a pinched nerve. Some of the scariest consequences of subluxation come from the possible global effects on your body.
If our nervous system is disturbed by subluxation, our ability and potential to adapt to stress is diminished progressively.