Kids and Chiropractic: A Growing Trend
Our office is a proud, supporting member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) because the ICPA stands behind its advanced training with published research!
Our office is a proud, supporting member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) because the ICPA stands behind its advanced training with published research!
Before we explore ways that we can keep our kids in balance we need to consider what it means to be truly healthy and “in balance”.
The same power that many your body has the ability to heal your body. Imagine if everybody in the world adopted and lived by this knowledge – wouldn’t the world’s diseased conditions and illness rates be very different?
When we open our mouth we increase the tendency to mouth breathe. This is especially valid when we sleep. Why is this a problem?
Sensory processing disorder is an impairment in detecting, modulating, or responding to sensory stimuli. In other words, the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) are not working properly.
In recent headlines, many professional football players have come out saying that the number of concussions throughout their careers have affected their daily lives tremendously. Can you imagine the impact that will have on someone whose brain is not fully deve
Backpack safety has been an increasing issue the past couple of years. If you see photos of kids going back to school half of the backpacks are a big as the child!
For most of us living a fast and furious modern life, juggling between work and family, we often neglect our health. It normally takes a crisis before we slow down, stop, and take care of our bodies.
Did you know that childhood asthma causes more school absences than any other single pediatric disorder?