If your child is having a problem with bedwetting, he or she is not alone. Two to three million children in the U.S. suffer from the disorder, including 10% to 10% of 5 year olds and 5% of 10 year olds.
The medical term for nighttime bedwetting is ‘Nocturnal Enuresis’. It can be described as involuntary urination during sleep in the absence of a urological or neurological disorder.
The cause of Nocturnal Enuresis, or bedwetting, is not clearly known. Heredity seems to be a factor, since children with the disorder are three to four times more likely to have a parent who also had the problem as a child.
What If My Child Doesn’t Grow Out Of It?
For the most part, children do grow out of it, but many do not. Some children continue to struggle with bedwetting well after their tenth year. This situation presents many challenges for both the child and their family.
Children with bedwetting problems often become frustrated with their inability to control the disorder. This may be compounded by a parent’s feelings of annoyance or frustration. The condition is an embarrassing and uncomfortable one. Furthermore, it may interfere with the child’s desire and ability to participate in some of the priceless activities of youth camp outs, sleepovers, or weekends away.
One important factor to consider is whether the child’s episodes of bedwetting may be related to psychological or emotional issues. Further, it is important that systemic disorders like diabetes be ruled out as part of a medical evaluation.
What Is The Medical Approach?
Many children who experience bedwetting problems have achieved favorable results with behavior modification training. One study found that over half of the participating children over the age of seven achieved success with a regimen of dry bed training and a ‘wetness alarm’.
However, drugs tend to be a more frequent treatment prescribed by physicians. Unfortunately, prolonged effectiveness of these drugs (usually imipramine or desmopressin) is less encouraging. After the termination of the drug treatment, only a fraction of the patients continued to enjoy the benefits. Furthermore, as with all drugs, side effects such as seizures, allergic reactions, and increase blood pressure may occur.
Can Chiropractic Help?
Many parents report an improvement, quite often significant, after implementing a schedule of regular Chiropractic visits for their child. In addition, numerous case studies have demonstrated that Chiropractic care has quickly improved or even resolved the problem.
While there is no guarantee that Chiropractic care will help, it does provide a sensible, non-invasive approach to managing the condition. Consider talking with a qualified Doctor of Chiropractic about how your child might benefit from regular visits!
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