General Chiropractic

The Genius of The Unborn Child

June 6, 2016

The same power that many your body has the ability to heal your body. Imagine if everybody in the world adopted and lived by this knowledge – wouldn’t the world’s diseased conditions and illness rates be very different?

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The same power that many your body has the ability to heal your body. Imagine if everybody in the world adopted and lived by this knowledge – wouldn’t the world’s diseased conditions and illness rates be very different?

No longer would we be putting synthetic formulas or tablets into our bodies, thinking they would improve our health. That practice is most harmful to our longevity on this planet.

I have chosen to be part of a profession which has a philosophy that teaches that health is expressed from the inside out. It is a philosophy and a way of life. Humankind’s ability to heal ourselves and express health is an innate knowing far greater than our educated minds. It suggests that we were born with a limitless potential to express health. Regaining, maintaining, growing, and educating ourselves in health is our responsibility. We make choices for ourselves based on our knowledge and understanding, which, in turn, creates our reality. What’s important is that we respect the life and intelligence within our body, and realize how amazing it is.

Understanding life’s processes is crucial to respecting the internal intelligence that keeps us functioning every day of our lives. To increase that awareness and respect, let’s examine the intricate order of events that take place to make us who we are as physical beings.

Stage by State:

The first step is the conception. During intercourse, the sperm know what to do – not just once, but time and time again. They swim and swim and swim, competing against each other for the right to penetrate the ovum wall. Provided there is no interference, sperm finds its way to the egg every time. Upon fertilization, there are now all the necessary cells to form a human being. Remarkable! Proteins, DNA codes, organs, and nerves are ready to work harmoniously together to form a person. Provided there is no interference, this job shall be complete at the end of nine months.

After three weeks, the intricacies of the construction call for a governing system. At this stage, the brain and the nerve system form to help coordinate development. They do this job for the rest of our lives, provided there is no interference. The nerve system controls all the functions of the cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the body, from the embryonic stage through adulthood. The nerve system is responsible for the homeostasis mechanism, enabling us to adapt to an ever-changing external environment based on our perceptions. A system like this needs no help – just no interference!

Around weeks five and six, the skeleton begins to grown. This continues until we are fully formed. Ever notice that we have two ears, situated on either side of our head? Or that our eyes are positioned just under our forehead in the orbital cavity, below our eyebrows? What enables this to happen? The internal wisdom of the body – the innateness of design, if you will – creates this without us consciously thinking about it. At only 11 weeks, all the systems of the body are in working order, with the muscles and nerves working together to create the first movements. The entire system is the size of our little finger. Only 5 weeks later, we are identifiable as a human being, with eyelids, ears, nose, mouth, fingernails, feet, and organs. These are all coordinated to enable growth and development under the watchful eye of our innate intelligence, and governed by the nerve system.

At around 18 weeks, we can suck our thumbs. We now know the benefit to this: It’s preparation for breastfeeding upon birth. It also helps regulate the sacra-occipital motion and the pumping of the cerebrospinal fluid around the body, delivering nutrients to the nerve system and taking toxins away.

At this stage, fetuses develop personalities of their own. we’re able to grasp with our hands, swim, turn somersaults, cry, communicate, and even punch – I’m sure many mothers have felt that! If there is no interference, we continue to grow into healthy human beings without assistance from external sources.

At 28 weeks, fetuses are considered “viable”, which means we have everything we need to be able to live outside of our mothers. Hair begins to appear, not only on our head, but on our body and eyebrows. A beautiful, cheesy-looking vernix envelops us in order to protect our skin from drying.

Our sleeping patterns start to appear, and we will respond to sounds in frequencies too high or too low for adults to hear. In the next month, our eyelids open, our eye teeth emerge, our hand grip is strengthened and we learn to recognize our mother’s voice.

Once we’re born, we will see for the first time, experience temperature changes for the first time, experience gravity for the first time, and breathe using our lungs for the first time (inhaling just the right amount of oxygen) – all this outside of our stable environment. All our organs are prepared to function at 100 percent. Newborns will do this exactly right every time, provided there is no interference. Children have within themselves an endless supply of possibilities!

Modified excerpt from: The Genius of the Unborn Child by Sarah Farrant, DC

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