General Chiropractic

MSG: The Hidden Health Robber

July 14, 2016

Have you heard the latest on MSG?

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After three years of actively making changes to my diet and lifestyle, I was still sick and tired all the time. I had recurrent migraines, PMS, depression, brain fog, irritability, mood swings, and extreme fatigue after eating – so extreme I often could not stay awake.

It was after one of those unavoidable after-lunch-napping episodes that one of the primary causes of my problems was revealed. A fellow co-worker found me in the break room out cold. I was embarrassed when she woke me up out of what felt like a drunken stupor and asked if I was alright.

I told her how it had become literally impossible for me to keep my eyes open after I ate lunch and differ, and how I had splitting headaches on a daily basis that made it difficult for me to function. She listened attentively, then picked up the bottle of popular-brand salad dressing next to my empty lunch containers.

“What do you expect?” she quipped looking at the ingredients label. “This dressing is loaded with MSG. That’ll not only give you headaches and put you to sleep, honey – after a while it’ll kill ya!”

“MS .. what?,” was my response. I was clueless.

That’s when I first learned that MSG (monosodium glutamate) is an artificial flavor enhancer. it is also a neurotoxin that is notorious for causing a host of symptoms and sometimes very severe acute reactions in addition to contributing to the development of chronic symptoms and disease.

I immediately eliminated MSG from my diet and not surprisingly, my debilitating fatigue and migraines went with it! The fog in my brain began to clear and my overall disposition became sunnier as well. Millions of people have had very similar experiences, discovering that one or more chemical food additives is the culprit in an acute or chronic condition they have been grappling with and once they removed the offending substance(s) from their diet their symptoms went away. MSG is one of the biggest culprits.

Things to Know About MSG
  • Neuroscientists agree that MSG is a neurotoxin, killing brain neurons by exciting them to death
  • Despite the fact that in 1980 MSG was added to the FDA’s list of additives needing further study due to the uncertainties that exist, MSG has been increasingly added to food products
  • Studies reveal that when fed to pregnant rats or mice, MSG causes the offspring to sugar from learning disabilities
  • In other studies on small animals, MSG has been proven to cause brain damage in the young. As a result, many baby food manufacturers voluntarily removed MSG from their products. However, there are still junior food products and baby formulas on the market that contain MSG. Ironically, many formulas for allergic infants contain larger amounts than the regular formulas
  • The leading reaction to MSG, which can take up to 48 hours to appear, is migraine headaches. A fact well recognized by headache clinics throughout the country
  • MSG also affects the hunger centers of the brain causing those who eat it to crave more food. That’s why food manufacturers put it in their products – it keeps you coming back for more
  • MSG also causes weight gain. It is actually fed to laboratory animals to fatten them up for research without increasing their food intake

When you consider than an estimated 60-90% of processed, packaged foods contain MSG, and the majority of foods eaten in this country are processed, is it any wonder that so many people are sick, tired, and overweight?

Despite the fact that food manufacturers disguise this toxic additive under more than 27 different names, MSG can be avoided. The best way to do so is to eat primarily whole, fresh, natural foods and the natural food brands that don’t contain chemical additives.

Symptoms associated with MSG include, but are not limited to: headaches/migraines, weight gain, extreme fatigue, depression, numbness/tingling, chest pain/tightness, rapid heartbeat, weakness, pressure around eyes, blurred vision, sneezing, shortness of breath, frequent urination, seizures, insomnia, chills and shakes, dizziness, anxiety/panic attacks, behavioral problems, muscle/joint pain/stiffness, bloating, nausea/vomiting, stomach/intestinal cramps, and PMS/menopausal issues.

For more on MSG, including remedies for acute reactions and a downloadable wallet-sized MSG quick list with the many names it may be listed under, visit:

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