“40% of the United States population is Vitamin D deficient…”
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight don’t need Vitamin D supplements, however, because we live in the northern part of the country and especially during the long winter months getting enough Vitamin D is tough. So why exactly is Vitamin D important to our health? Take a look at the list below:
It is crucial for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which promotes the maintenance of healthy and strong bones.
It is an immune system regulator, helping you from getting sick.
Research has shown vitamin D can help with brain function as we age, according to recent studies.
Vitamin D is linked to having a healthy weight, according to research carried out at the Medical College of Georgia, USA.
If you are tired, fatigued, or have a lack of energy you may have a vitamin D deficiency. We recommend anywhere from 2,000 – 8,000 IU’s daily. This can be done through a good quality supplement or proper nutrition.
In regards to supplementation, it is important that you are purchasing the active form of Vitamin D, also known as Vitamin D3 as our bodies can only absorb this form of the vitamin. Though slightly more difficult to obtain adequate levels, different foods contain higher quantities of Vitamin D than others:
- Fatty Fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel)
- Fish Liver Oil
- Mushrooms
- Dark Leafy Green Vegetables
It is so important to take care of ourselves on a daily basis, especially with ‘cold and flu season’ right around the corner, so be proactive and take your Vitamin D!
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