Wellness Blog

Can Chiropractic Help Allergies?

April 29, 2015

Symptoms of allergies can be downright debilitating for some and nothing more than a chronic nuisance for others. Regardless of what category you fall into, there is hope.

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Allergy medications mainly work by treating the symptoms of allergies (sneezing, coughing, runny noses, watery or scratchy eyes) while failing to question what might be causing the body to react like that in the first place. The problem with this approach is twofold.

First, as previously mentioned, this outlook merely treats symptoms and never questions, “Why?” Secondly, even if you successfully cover up the symptoms, you are still left with the uncorrected problem that caused the symptoms, not to mention the side effects of allergy medications which include, but are not limited to: increased appetite, low libido, depression, anxiety, infertility and decreased growth in children. Is it worth the risk?

We all live under the same umbrella, meaning we are all exposed to the exact same “stuff” in the environment. If it were the pollen or ragweed that caused allergies, we would all have the same problems. But, we don’t! So there must be more to it than that, right? The one common denominator that exists is YOU, ME, US and how well we take care of our bodies and ensure they are functioning as optimally as possible.

Rather than treating symptoms and calling it a day, Chiropractic care works by detecting interferences within the body that cause poor function. The poorer the body functions over time, the less likely it is to respond appropriately to its environment. Like a car that is not properly maintained, malfunction is inevitable, and the more malfunction that exists the more red, flashing lights appear on your dashboard warning you of impending danger. Like red flashing lights are to your car, allergies are to your body.

Chiropractic is simple in its approach and delivers phenomenal benefits for allergy sufferers not by treating symptoms, but rather by getting to the cause. Everyday we make choices that either make us stronger and allow our bodies to function better, or they make us weaker and more susceptible to becoming sick. In order to grow stronger and get healthier as we age only two things are required:

1. Clear communication between the brain and the rest of your body.

2. A healthy lifestyle. For a clear, unobstructed pathway between the brain and the body the spine must be aligned correctly and moving efficiently. Misalignments in the spine cause breakdowns in that vital communication pathway, leading to various sicknesses, such as allergies. Chiropractic corrects these short circuits, thereby allowing you to grow stronger and pursue health for as long as you choose.

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